Sunday, February 21, 2010

The List


  1. Get a tattoo
  2. Write a ‘This I Believe Essay’ and send to NPR
  3. Learn to have fun asking questions vs. having the answers
  4. Learn to swim
  5. Learn to drive a stick shift
  6. Learn to sew a button & a simple hem
  7. Kiss Ann in the rain
  8. Be fearless—risk failure
  9. Practice daily random acts of kindness
  10. Give a microloan to a woman in another country
  11. Smile @ strangers
  12. Set up a yoga/exercise space in my house
  13. Pack my lunch instead of buying it
  14. Watch a sunrise @ Mt. Tabor w/Ann on our bench
  15. Fall asleep in a meadow while someone reads me a story
  16. Have a conversation w/God daily
  17. Host a dinner party under the stars
  18. Write down every hurt or resentment that still stings---and have an ending event to let them go.
  19. Reach out and reconcile old friendships
  20. Lose 15 lbs
  21. List 40 things I like about myself
  22. Stop hitting the snooze button
  23. Stop working through lunch
  24. Walk a labyrinth
  25. Cry
  26. Journal weekly
  27. Eat a fresh fig
  28. Take a letter press class
  29. Read everything by Dr. Seuss
  30. Fly a kite
  31. Look for God everywhere
  32. Leave mystery gifts on my co-workers desks
  33. Spend an afternoon laying on my back watching the clouds
  34. Sing loudly and terribly out of tune
  35. Put lawn gnomes in my neighbors yards (when they aren’t watching)
  36. Take a basic cooking class
  37. List the 100 priceless moments in my life thus far
  38. Write down my favorite daily Atticus moments
  39. Have a monthly date w/my wife
  40. Create a blog and share my journey crossing the 40 things off my list


    1. A great concept for a blog and a great list. Can I do the letterpress class with you? Looks like there's a class next week but I imagine they do this routinely? Check out Independent Publishing Resource Center

    2. Would love to have you do the class with me! Would be great fun...and a wonderful memory to be able to do it with you. Thanks for being my first 'post'. ;)

    3. I love it! There's something extremely appealing about number 35 :) Can't wait to read more blog entries...

    4. what a great list - what a great concept. Your list alone made be laugh out loud, tear up, sigh, and think about my own list. Can't wait to hear about all the details!

    5. You ... and me... #1... baby! ;) As your sister, I look forward to helping you celebrate each and every item as you cross them off your list. Love you!
