Sunday, March 21, 2010

Just call me the Incredible Hulk

What do a tattoo studio, letterpress class, & swim lessons all have in common?  They are all things I get to look forward to crossing off my list over the next 30 days.  And, to aid my journey I am adding a dose of fearlessness (#8) to the mix…..  

Feeling fearless is something I am having a lot of fun with these days.  Who knew I had it in me?  I have never been more true to myself or had more fun in my life than I am right now.   It’s as if I have a little skip in my step and am feeling a bit sassy.  Not the arrogant or annoying kind of sass, but the kind that you feel when the world is your oyster and you can’t wait for a brand new day. 

The funny thing is that the exterior world has not given me a break this past year.  I have never been more pushed or challenged in my entire life.  The myriad of events that keeps coming my way is overwhelming; the death of our beloved Emma, a 275 gal oil spill flooding our beautiful home, the most challenging professional transition of my career, cancer invading the bodies & families of everyone I hold dear, and loneliness that takes my breath away when Ann is on the road.

Yet, despite all of this STUFF I have never been stronger or more certain that the best is yet to come.  My fearlessness is coming from a fire that is burning from deep within and it would take a hurricane to extinguish this flame.   Where is this fearlessness coming from?  I think I have found my answer….and that is love.  Pure , simple, true, from the heart kind of love.  The kind of love that was intended to be given and received in abundance, every minute of every day.  The more I approach every person, thing, and experience from a place of love the more fearless I seem to become.  I get a visual of the transformation of the Incredible Hulk…I know not pretty, but that’s how it feels.  It’s addicting, has a ripple effect, and is completely free of charge.  So cliché, yet so perfectly, perfectly true.  Why the hell didn’t I try this earlier??

I have a plan of action on a few fun things on my list coming up in the next month.  I will be conquering a regret (learning to swim), learning a beautiful art (letterpress), and indulging a lifelong dream (my 1st tattoo).  But, I have to tell you my favorite thing I am crossing off my list is #08!   


  1. The image of the Hulk breaking free is marvelous. You really could be the superhero of love. What you shared here reminds me of Pema Chodron, someone I have referenced and read as much as possible, and I wish to be a better student of hers. She says,

    "For many, failure and embarrassment present a different kind of fear than sky diving. It feels unbearable, but even here, standing within the fear can result in growth."

    That's what you have done in transformation into the Hulk, I think.

    You ARE incredible.


  2. I am humbled and very touched...isn't the journey of all of life and love just something? So glad to be able to call you my friend.

  3. your hulk of love is contagious! tom and i are both inspired by your fearlessness. now... onto the tattoo. - kris & tom
